Areas of knowledge

 Starting Up &Business

We are well aware of the difficulties of engaging new projects. We give support along these first steps to new scenaries.


We show a proven track record as a reliable partners of international companies that have succeed in Spain.


Only a deep knowledge of the legal framework provides the needed protection.

By integrating these two areas of knowledge into a single service's structure coordination our customers benefit positively through:

  1. More co-ordination and flexibility.
  2. A single local partner with unique dialogue.
  3. Costs saving, etc.


Uberización Vs. Integración

Nos “uberizamos” todos o integramos a Uber? Por un punto de encuentro.


Economía Colaborativa & Administración

Las Administraciones Públicas españolas frente al desafío de la Economía Colaborativa.


Disruptividad & Legitimidad

En este artículo se pretende atender a una serie de factores que deben de ser tomados en consideración a la hora de emitir juicios relativos tanto a la legalidad que ordena, con mayor o menor acierto, la actividad de los operadores en sectores regulados, como de la legitimidad, indiscutible, que acompaña a toda actividad que pretenda incorporar legalmente uno o varios elementos de disruptividad, como de la legalidad.

We provide all the necessary advice related to international activities undertaken by industrial, commercial and professional operators. Our broad understanding of economic activities and branches guarantees your satisfaction.

Our range of support covers the bulk of activities carried out by companies abroad.